Can The Law Of Attraction Help You Become A Successful Gambler?

The Secret.

Who doesn’t want to know the secret to success? If only you had believed enough!

But what is the law of attraction and can it help you become a successful gambler?

The philosophy of like attracts like. The focus of intentions and thoughts. You can attract positive outcomes and success into your life. In essence, if you believe you are a professional gambler it could happen.

‘It’s the latest self-help book everyone needs!’

But could it help you become a professional gambler?

The law of attraction instils that we have a direct influence on this process. However, whatever you may hear, there is no scientific evidence to support this premise. It is a belief system which cannot be objectively tested. Positive thinking and strong mindset doesn’t guarantee success.

The law of attraction is disguised as your best friend, hope and all you have ever wanted.

It’s why you have to question any guru who details how mindset is so important and it comes before you get the ‘secret sauce’. There is a reason for that. The mindset is to get you onboard with the program and suck you in.

You are given the illusion that you can achieve the impossible if you follow the system.

No amount of motivation or believe will transform your life alone.

It gives the impression that you don’t need any skill. As if you have the right mindset and believe you can outweigh your lack of skill to a point it is more important than skill.

‘Just keep on trying. It was just about to work for you but you quit. You just didn’t put in enough effort. And guess who I blame…’


To be a successful gambler is based on skill. Anyone who tries to tell you different – it’s a scam.

The guru will say: ‘You just didn’t believe enough.’

Strip away the pseudo science and it’s an empty box. Who is the person to gain? It’s not you.

Consider these main concerns:

  • Lack of scientific evidence

  • Over simplification of complex issues

  • Victim blaming

  • Unrealistic expectations

  • Lack of accountability

  • Neglect of negative emotions

  • Financial exploitation

  • The placebo effect

The law of attraction isn’t something used to help you succeed it is actually something used against you.

Please remember to gamble responsibly. There are no guarantees to success. Most professional gamblers started from a blank slate and learned their craft. It was by trial and error. It is a life of hard knocks.

If someone tries to use the concept of the law of attraction to afford gambling success I can tell you without doubt it is a scam.

Good luck.